Today I held a Back to School Open House for Little Owl Academy. It was SO fun for me to meet my 9 little students. I wanted to keep it simple and easy for the little ones. For most of them this is their first time coming to school. I let them come, color me a picture while I chatted with their parents, and then they received a surprise goody bag at the end.
I couldn't wait to show off my new whiteboard/chalkboard combo. We just got a Hobby Lobby in town. For this small town Idaho Falls girl, who lived in Utah for a year and loved Hobby Lobby very much while living there, this is the best news! My first purchase there was this very cute whiteboard/chalkboard. They have tables and chairs with the pencils on the side as well that are on my wish list. The cool thing about Hobby Lobby is I use their app and can get 40% off any regular priced item. Well, this was marked down 30% so I simply asked, they marked it back up to full price and then gave me the 40% off. I was so glad they were willing to work with me! I love it!
Each goody bag had their own little Owl with their name on it. Many of my students recognized the first letter in their name. I can't wait to begin learning more of their letters together. Inside was their own little coloring book and some little fun prizes. It was more about letting them feel important and excited to be going somewhere that they got a prize!
I cannot wait to begin teaching in a few weeks! This is a new challenge for me in my teaching career and I always love a good challenge.
I purchased amazing curriculum from ( I did a lot of research while looking for curriculum. Many cost much more than this one, and I found this one to be the best! She is actually a home schooling Mom who created this curriculum for her child. I am using it as the base of my teaching this year, and implementing my own things along the way!
School starts September 9th for many of my students (some only come one day a week and that isn't their day) I will be sharing each week, or more throughout the school year all of the fun things we are doing!
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